Category: GPS

  • NZRM GPS Projects

    One of the greatest technological advances of the last 50 years in mapping has been the advent of GPS, the Global Positioning System originated by the US government in 1973. The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978 and since then, the GPS system has offered major benefits for navigation especially with the present day…

  • NZRM Update 2021-02-23

    Good morning. As noted last week, the update for this week is the content of Volume 10, which covers the Main North Line and ensures these maps are correct for alignment and placement of location markers and infrastructure. The updates are being generated at present and will be uploaded on the website this afternoon. Last…

  • NZ Rail Maps Project Development Report [2020O]: New Site Under Development

    Good evening. The new NZ Rail Maps site is currently taking shape ahead of its planned launch date of 1 January 2021. At this stage the live maps which are available at that point will include a subset of the Greater Christchurch area. The minimum area available will be the Main South Line between Christchurch…